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Are you prepared? Predictive tools to mitigate flood risk.

The growing frequency and intensity of flood events around the world have driven the need for more accurate forecasting and real-time hydrologic simulation. A predictive flood modeling system can provide information necessary about flood timing and intensity for critical decision-making during an event, both forecast and in real time. This one-hour learning session will focus on how you can actively manage and mitigate flood risk using a predictive flood modeling system.

At the webinar, attendees will learn how to…

  • Track real-time and forecast watershed response using hydrologic model-simulated output
  • Maintain situational awareness of flood risks and impacts using real-time alerting
  • Understand flooding risk levels faced by emergency responders during a rescue operation
  • Utilize model output to keep emergency managers informed of when to close roads and issue evacuation notifications
  • Leverage descriptive statistics and data downloads to assist with post-event analysis

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Featured Presenter

Kelsey McDonough, Ph.D. 

Hydrologic Engineer

Kelsey McDonough, Ph.D. is a hydrologic engineer and an expert in water resources engineering with applications to physics-based hydrologic/hydraulic modeling, design storm development, water resources management, and hazard prediction and mitigation. She has over 10 publications on related subjects in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. Dr. McDonough is an alumna of the U.S. Fulbright Program and has previously served as a principal investigator and project lead on several internationally based research projects.

Kelsey McDonough, Ph.D.