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2023 Spring Weather Threat Outlook

Spring is a time of transition, and in the world of weather, that often means turbulence – from snow to heatwaves and downpours to drought. To help you make sense of what this spring might have in store, AEM’s meteorological team has put together the 2023 seasonal outlook. During this webinar, you’ll get answers to these important questions and more:


Featured Speakers

Chad Merrill
Senior Meteorologist, AEM Operations
Chad Merrill has been with AEM’s meteorological operations team since 2008. Before joining AEM, Chad forecasted the weather for various news outlets, including WHAG-TV in Hagerstown, MD, and WJAC-TV in Johnstown, PA. Chad earned his Bachelor of Science in Meteorology from PennWest California University, Pennsylvania, and he has earned the National Weather Association (NWA) Seal of Approval.
Molly Robinson
Meteorologist I, AEM Operations
Molly Robinson joined AEM’s meteorological operations team in 2021. In her role as an AEM meteorologist, Molly develops forecasts and provides real-time weather support to a wide range of clients. Molly is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University where she received her Bachelor of Science in Meteorology and Atmospheric Science.
Dan Rupp
Meteorologist I, AEM Operations
Before joining AEM’s meteorology team in 2019, Dan Rupp forecasted the weather for a variety of companies, including WJET-TV in Erie, PA, KSAN-TV in San Angelo, TX, and Cirrus Weather Services. Dan received his Bachelor of Science in Meteorology from the Pennsylvania State University.