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2024 North American Wildfire Report
Identifying popular techniques & technologies, budget gaps, and key concerns among wildfire leaders 

Wildfire risk management is one of the biggest growing challenges of our time. 

Given the financial and human impact of global wildfires, it's crucial that leaders across the industry work together to share knowledge, collaborate authentically, and identify best practices that can protect citizens, property, and the wildlands.

AEM has conducted a survey with Fire Engineering during the spring of 2024 to understand the wide range of approaches and current states with regard to wildfire prevention, preparedness, detection, response, recovery, and rehabilitation across North America. Download the report today to access key insights from  public sector wildland fire professionals across the country.

Topics include: 

  • How do wildfire budgets map against the event cycle?
  • Which wildfire risk management technologies are seeing use?   
  • Are agencies increasing their use of preventative practices?
  • How are fire leaders feeling about the current situation?

Download the Report