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How Public Works Teams Can Build (And Rally Support For) Better Rainfall/Storm Management

Is your community trapped in the hydro-illogical cycle? Are you having trouble securing funding or community buy-in for rainfall and water management programs? Is your team acutely aware of risks that the public just doesn’t see? 

You are not alone! Keeping people and infrastructure safe from storms while navigating the conversation around evolving floodplains is one of the biggest challenges directors of public works are facing across the United States. 

That’s why we interviewed a group of innovative DPW leaders, hydrometeorological engineers, and monitoring specialists to uncover actionable strategies and real-world examples of successful programs that public works teams can use to increase understanding of their work and rally support behind necessary projects. 

Our white paper explores… 

  • How infrastructure, human, and budget challenges intersect for public works 
  • Why the way taxpayers currently think about floods sets public works up to fail
  • How to shift mindsets about flood and drought inside and outside your department
  • Increasing buy-in with the community through education, communication, and marketing
  • Which water management technologies and approaches are most useful for transformation 

Download the Whitepaper

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