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Assessing Flood Risk: The First Principle of Flood Early Warning Systems

Know your flood risk. It’s internationally accepted as the very first pillar on which every flood early warning system around the globe should be built. If you don’t get it right, the effectiveness of the entire system can be compromised. Yet, assessing flood risk can be highly complex. In this second installment of our webinar series, we break risk assessment into more manageable steps. We explain each of the variables you need to consider and how they can be systemically combined into an overall evaluation of flood risk. Some of the key variables we examine include:
  1. Understanding the vulnerabilities to people, properties, hospitals, schools, and Infrastructure
  2. Understanding the Hazards (floodplain, areas prone to flash flooding, dams, rivers, etc.)
  3. Identifying the Risks, which are the intersection of the vulnerabilities and the hazards

Gain valuable insights from AEM experts and start your plan to keep your community safe today.


Featured Speaker

James Logan
James Logan
Water Sector and Professional Services Leader
James Logan has been involved in the assessment, design, development, and implementation of more than 200 automated flood early warning and environmental monitoring systems across the U.S. and abroad. He has helped numerous agencies to create more reliable, and maintainable monitoring and decision support systems. He has been responsible for the technical delivery and project direction of numerous consulting studies relating to rainfall and hydrologic analysis, flooding, stormwater, dam safety hydrology, and water resource management. Since October 2021, Mr. Logan has been the Design Director for a National Flood and Rockslide Early Warning System for the country of Peru. 

A business leader in the hydrology domain, Mr. Logan has contributed to advancing software, telemetry, and systems design to enhance hydrologic collection, monitoring, dissemination, forecasting and flood early warning to local, state, and federal government agencies with critical missions that depend on understanding real-time rainfall and hydrology.

Mr. Logan is a member and contributor for the U.S. National Hydrologic Warning Council’s ALERT2 protocol standard Technical Working Group.

M.S./Computer Science, University of Colorado, Denver, CO
B.S./Geophysical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO