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How to Strengthen Public-Private Collaboration to Increase Weather Resilience

When AEM surveyed 96 local governments and agencies, zero of them said they were engaged in extensive public-private collaboration around weather. That’s pretty shocking!

The weather doesn’t understand the difference between the public and private sectors. But for some reason, we let that distinction get in the way of our communities being prepared for and able to recover from flooding, wildfires, hurricanes, and beyond.

It’s time to focus on how local leaders can foster authentic collaboration with area businesses to increase buy-in and buying power for weather initiatives that benefit all community stakeholders.

In AEM’s latest white paper, we…

  • Explore how government agencies and area businesses are in almost the exact same situation when it comes to weather
  • Illustrate the mutual value of “collaborative resilience” connecting the public and private sectors
  • Provide an actionable framework governments can use to start a conversation around weather resilience with local businesses
  • Uncover the tools and considerations needed to get a successful public-private weather collaboration off the ground

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