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Preparing for the 2024 Hurricane Season

Hosted by the AEM Meteorology Team and featuring the insights of our guest panelist, Jeff Lindner from Harris County Flood Control District (Houston, TX), this is a must-see for anyone eager to stay one step ahead in preparing for the 2024 hurricane season. 
With record-warm waters in the Atlantic Ocean and the current El Niño expected to give way to La Niña later this summer, some experts are predicting that the 2024 Hurricane season could be particularly ferocious. How bad could it be? Leveraging climatological models and our proprietary machine learning model, the AEM meteorology team will deliver its outlook for the 2024 hurricane season, followed by an expert panel discussion about what businesses and communities should be doing to prepare for the coming season.
  • How will changing global ocean temperatures affect this coming hurricane season?
  • Can the U.S. expect greater landfall threats this coming season?
  • And how many will become major hurricanes (cat. 3 or above)?
  • What are leading communities and businesses doing to prepare for what’s in store?

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Featured Speakers

Matt Mehallow
Matt Mehallow is a meteorologist who joined AEM/Earth Networks in October 2013. He is part of the 24/7 Meteorological Operations Department that not only supports various clients, but also produces forecast products for a wide spectrum of government and professional service clients – banking, aviation, sports, utilities, energy, entertainment, and others.  Matt monitors our global network of weather stations and quality control data and delivers daily outlook and alerts highlighting critical weather trends for the energy industry across the U.S.
Mark Ellinwood
Prior to joining our team, Mark spent four years at MDA Weather Services as an operational meteorologist for various energy clients. Outside of his work for AEM, Mark is an avid storm chaser. From tornadoes to hurricanes to winter blizzards, you will find Mark eager to throw himself into all types of weather to capture it on film and share it with the world. Mark graduated from the SUNY University at Albany in 2009 with his Bachelor’s degree.in Atmospheric Science.
Christian Sayles
Christian comes to AEM from University of Maryland-College Park, where he graduated in 2021 with his Bachelor’s Degree in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. While there, he helped produce a pre-recorded broadcast called UMD Wx Talks, where aspiring broadcast meteorologists recorded weather forecasts for the students and faculty. Additionally, he completed a series of weather balloon launches analyzing particulate concentrations through the university’s Balloon Payload Program. 

Our Panelists

Jeff Lindner
Director Hydrologic Operations Division, Meteorologist
Harris County Flood Control District, TX
Joining the Harris County Flood Control District in 2003 as the District’s first meteorologist is one of many precedents set by Jeff Lindner. In his primary role as Director of the Hydrologic Operations Division and Harris County meteorologist, Jeff implements regular communication with multiple agencies, elected officials, and media partners during episodes of severe weather. Jeff oversees the operation of the District’s flood operations, the flood warning system, and flood forecasting efforts. Jeff holds a Bachelor of Science degree in meteorology from Texas A&M University. He is a prominent figure on the topic of weather forecasting, weather impacts, and emergency management activations for county government during adverse weather conditions. Lindner, who became widely known for his constant reporting and calm demeanor during Hurricane Harvey, served as a memorable personality for millions of residents in the City of Houston, Harris County, and the southeast Texas region. He has been recognized by numerous organizations including the American Meteorological Society, the City of Houston, several local, state, and federal organizations for his efforts in weather communication and public safety.
James Logan
Water Sector Leader

James Logan has degrees in Geophysical Engineering and Computer Science and has been designing and delivering flood warning, dam safety, and emergency management solutions since 2004.  Mr. Logan has participated in the design, rehabilitation, and troubleshooting of more than 200 Flood Warning systems across the U.S. More recently, Mr. Logan has participated in national level multi-hazard early warning systems in Australia and Peru.  Mr. Logan has been the CEO of OneRain, Inc., High Sierra Electronics, and Vieux and Associates (now AEM brands), all three businesses playing vital roles in flood early warning in the U.S.  Mr. Logan is currently the Water Sector leader for AEM.