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Preparing for the 2024 Hurricane Season

Hosted by the AEM Meteorology Team and featuring the insights of our guest panelist, Jeff Lindner from Harris County Flood Control District (Houston, TX), this on-demand webinar is a must-see for anyone eager to stay one step ahead in preparing for the 2024 hurricane season.
With record-warm waters in the Atlantic Ocean and the current El Niño expected to give way to La Niña later this summer, some experts are predicting that the 2024 Hurricane season could be particularly ferocious. How bad could it be? Leveraging climatological models and our proprietary machine learning model, the AEM meteorology team will deliver its outlook for the 2024 hurricane season, followed by an expert panel discussion about what businesses and communities should be doing to prepare for the coming season.
  • How will changing global ocean temperatures affect this coming hurricane season?
  • Can the U.S. expect greater landfall threats this coming season?
  • And how many will become major hurricanes (cat. 3 or above)?
  • What are leading communities and businesses doing to prepare for what’s in store?


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